about (me)
I am a graduate of (Analytic) Philosophy from the University of Glasgow, and am interested in the interplay between philosophy (meta-philosophy, philosophy of science, and meta-ethics) social-history/ critical theory (situationalist theory, and meta-modern thought), and literature (science-fiction, comparative literature, literary fiction, poetry).
I am especially interested in interdisciplinarity, education, publishing and public philosophy projects that involve the communication of big ideas in everyday life – inspired by the likes of Aeon/Psyche, Bloomsbury Press, Polity, and Peninsula Press. ​​​​​​​​​​​​
about (digital dasein)
Digital Dasein is an online interdisciplinary space and creative portfolio, in which I aim to engage with and contribute to meaningful conversations through ideas, art and collaborative projects.
The initial idea behind this website was inspired by Heidegger’s somewhat obscure, yet entirely unique, conceptual term-of-art, ‘Dasein’. Roughly translated, Dasein means “there-being”, and was employed by Heidegger in an attempt to re-conceptualise the everyday, phenomenological structures of being alive that are both particular and generic to all (i.e. that you find yourself in a specific time, place, and culture, etc). This was intended to be a distinct and novel conception of human self-understanding, breaking from past conceptual frameworks provided by past philosophers, theologians and scientists.
This term further served as a foundation to Heidegger’s existentialist framework, surrounding the notion of what it means to live authentically and inauthentically. And it was from this radical reconceptualisation of 'being' – whatever that really means or comes down to – that inspired me to more intentionally attempt to reflect on what and where ‘there’ really is for me.
And so, long-story short, Digital Dasein is the digital 'there' in which I place my so-called 'being', in all of its perplexed (in)authenticity!